Branding and Customization
Geidea offers innovative payment solutions for your business, ensuring a seamless and secure transaction experience for customers. What sets Geidea apart is the ability to tailor the payment experience to your brand's identity and values.
As a merchant, establishing a recognizable and trustworthy brand is crucial for connecting with customers. We recognize your brand's significance and, with Geidea's advanced integration capabilities, you can now extend that brand presence to the payment process. Let's explore the practical steps to seamlessly integrate your brand identity with Geidea's payment solutions.
This guide will lead you through the process, providing clear instructions and examples for effortless customization implementation.
Here are the steps to set up the branding:
Steps no #1 Log in to the portal using your credentials.
Step no #2 Navigate to "Management" and select "Stores."
Step no #3 Choose the default store you wish to customize.
Step no# 4 Configure the branding settings according to your preferences.
Step no #5 Configure the branding settings according to your preferences and you can also upload your logo to personalize the branding.
Updated 10 months ago