WordPress plugin for WooCommerce

This document presents the steps for integrating the Geidea payment gateway with your WooCommerce store.


WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It is designed for small to large online merchants using WordPress to set up your e-commerce site seamlessly and quickly. Geidea Payments Online is a gateway plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to take payments through Geidea. You can easily accept credit card payments and other payments through wallet providers or Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) providers.

Integrating our payment gateway with WooCommerce's online stores has never been easier. Through the Geidea Online Payments plugin in the WordPress repository, our payment gateway can be seamlessly integrated with just a few lines of code.


You will need a merchant account with Geidea and the following software running in your hosting environment to accept payments using the Geidea payment gateway.

WordPress6.0.2 or greater
WooCommerce plugin for WordPress3.4.6 or greater
WooCommerce database3.4.6 or greater
Geidea Online Payments plugin3.4.1
PHP7.4 or greater


While we make every effort to test software or module or plugin updates rigorously, there is no guarantee that a plugin or module will work seamlessly with your hosting environment. So please back up your website before updating any plugins or modules. This helps you restore your website from backup in case you run into unexpected errors.

Software and plugin or module updates involve programming code changes. The updates may often request upgrades to the server or other hosting software such as PHP as well.

Integration Steps

After you install the WooCommerce plugin and configure your online store, please follow the following steps to accept payments using the Geidea payment gateway.

Step 1: Install Geidea Payments Online plugin for WooCommerce

Method 1

Zip package installation method

  • Download the zip package of the plugin here.


Please do not rename the downloaded plugin file or modify the contents of the downloaded plugin. This may crash your WordPress instance or cause the installation process to fail or malfunction.

  • Sign in to the admin panel of your WordPress website

  • On your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to the Admin Menu, go to Plugins => Add New.

  • Click on the Upload Plugin button on the top left corner of the page.

  • Click on the Choose File button and browse for the zipped plugin package on your local machine. Select the previously downloaded zipped package of the Geidea online payments plugin and click on the Install Now button.

After the plugin is installed, click on the Activate Plugin button to activate the Geidea Online Payments for WooCommerce plugin

Method 2

  • After configuring your online e-commerce store using the WooCommerce plugin, navigate to the Dashboard of your WordPress site and hover over the Plugins menu. In the side menu that appears, click on Add New

  • In the Search plugins... textbox, Enter Geidea and press the Enter key

  • Click on Install Now button to install the Geidea Online Payments for WooCommerce plugin
  • After the above step, the plugin is installed. You can now click on the Activate Plugin button to activate the plugin to accept payments from your customers.

Once the Geidea online payments plugin is successfully activated, you will be redirected to the Installed Plugins page.

Step 2: Set up and configure the Geidea Online Payments plugin

Once you have successfully installed and activated the Geidea online payments plugin, you need to configure the plugin to start accepting payments from your customers.


The configuration process for the Geidea online payments plugin is simple and as easy as filling an online form.

  • Begin by hovering over the WooCommerce option in the side navigation and then click on Settings option in the slider menu.

  • Click on the Payments tab on the screen

  • Click on the toggle button to enable the Geidea online payments plugin. After enabling the toggle button against the Geidea online payments plugin, click on the Save Changes button on the page. You can now click on the Geidea online payments link to access the configuration form for the plugin.

  • Once you click on the Geidea Online Payments link as mentioned above, you will be redirected to the following settings screen. We explained each of the available options in the table below the following image.

Configuration options for the Geidea plugin

Setting optionMandatory/OptionalDescriptionComments
ActiveMandatoryChecking this option enables you to Enable or Disable the Geidea Online Payments plugin. This is the same as enabling or disabling the payment method by using the toggle option in the Payments tab. If you want to accept payments using Geidea, you must check this option.Checkbox
EnvironmentMandatorySelect the environment in which you would like to execute the transactions

Merchant gateway keyMandatoryYour Merchant Account ID (Merchant Public Key) that you should have received after creating an account with Geidea. Please refer to this link for details.Sample: 1a2b3456-cb3b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002
Merchant passwordMandatoryYour Merchant account password (API Password) that you should have received after creating an account with Geidea. Please refer to this link for details.Sample: 9z87y65x-cb3b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002
NameOptionalIdentifier that is appended to the plugin name that enables you to easily identify the payment method. This text is appended to the plugin name in the Payments tabVisa, Mazda
DescriptionOptionalText used to describe the pluginPowered by Geidea
Default CurrencyMandatoryCurrency in which payments are accepted by the store. These currencies are limited to the currencies configured for your Merchant ID.

Note: Add the Merchant gateway key and Merchant password and save the form. Now go back to the Default currency field and select the desired currency from the drop-down.
Checkout IconOptionalThe icon displayed at the time of placing the order during the checkout process
Merchant LogoOptionalThe logo of the merchant is presented on the payment widget
Header ColorOptionalHexadecimal code of the color that is displayed at the top of the payment widget# 333FFF
Hide Geidea LogoOptionalHides Geidea logo in the widgetCheckbox
Partner IdOptionalId of the Partner on Geidea's systemspq12r345-cb3b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002
Receipt EnabledOptionalUsed to select whether a summary of the payment transaction must be displayed after the transaction is completeCheckbox
Email EnabledOptionalDisplays the option to edit the email of the customer in the payment widgetCheckbox
Phone Number EnabledOptionalDisplays the option to edit the phone number of the customer in the payment widgetCheckbox
Address EnabledOptionalDisplays the option to edit the shipping and billing addresses of the customer in the payment widgetCheckbox
Save CardOptionalSaves the card used by the customer as an encrypted token for future use.Checkbox
LanguageMandatoryUsed to set the language (English or Arabic) in which the payment receipt is displayed after the transactionDrop-down
Hosted Payment Page StyleOptionalUsed to set the experience for the payment widget. It has 2 values - Simple, CompressedDrop-down
Order status after successful paymentOptionalStatus to be assigned to order after successful paymentProcessing
Order status while waiting for paymentOptionalStatus to be assigned to order after successful paymentPending Payment
  • Click the Save Changes button once you finish configuring the plugin. A status message is displayed on the changes are saved.


Please be aware that only the following special characters are allowed in the Name, description and category for the order items added.

Allowed characters: ' '; ','; '.'; '-'


Supported Payment Methods

  • Credit & Debit Cards - Meeza, MasterCard, Visa
  • Mobile Wallet - Meeza

Step 3: Validating the plugin

  • Create a test order on your online store by adding a product to the cart and initiating a checkout. You should be able to view the Checkout icon and the Description configured for the plugin.

  • Once you click on the PLACE ORDER button on your checkout page, Geidea payment methods should be readily available to your customer for completing the payment.

  • For testing the payment widget, you may use any of our Test Cards provided here.

Troubleshooting WooCommerce Integration with Geidea Payment Gateway

When you are integrating Geidea with WooCommerce, at times you may encounter some issues. This section describes the recommended steps to troubleshoot some issues you might face during integration with WooCommerce.

  • Geidea does not appear as a Payment Method
    Check if the Geidea Online Payments plugin is enabled on the Installed Plugins page

  • The Geidea Online Payments Plugin is not presenting the Payment widget
    Check whether the Merchant gateway key and Merchant password are configured accurately. If they are configured incorrectly, the message - Your credentials are invalid! will be displayed on the Payments tab of the WooCommerce settings page. To access your credentials, please follow the process shared here.

  • Always use the latest version of the plugin.

  • In case you are upgrading to the latest version of the plugin, kindly clear your browser cache prior to testing the plugin.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does this support both production mode and sandbox mode for testing?
Yes, it does - production and sandbox mode is controlled by the API keys you use.
