Tokenization in Mobile Apps
Tokenization is the process of replacing sensitive information, like credit card numbers, with a unique identifier called a token. This token holds no intrinsic value but serves as a substitute for the original data. Tokenization enhances security and efficiency.
How Tokenized Payments Work
- Data Input: When a user enters their payment details, the system generates a unique token.
- Token Storage: The token is securely stored, while the original payment data is encrypted.
- Transaction Processing: For subsequent transactions, the token is used instead of the original data.
Benefits of Tokenized Payments
- Enhanced Security: By removing sensitive data from the transaction flow, the risk of data breaches and fraud is significantly reduced.
- Streamlined Checkout: Tokenization speeds up the checkout process as users don't need to re-enter their card details repeatedly.
- Compliance Adherence: Tokenization helps businesses comply with data protection regulations.
- Customer Convenience: Users can securely store their payment information for future purchases, providing a faster, secured and seamless shopping experience.
You can follow the below steps to initiate tokenized payments in your mobile app.
- Creating a token
- Using the token for payments
Creating a token
You can create a token by the following steps.
- While initiating the create session API , you need to mandatorily pass the
parameter with its value set to true.
"sessionId": "cadeabe8-da07-498c-9378-08dc313fea61",
"merchantName": "OM-BH",
"callbackUrl": "",
"isSetPaymentMethodEnabled": false,
"isCreateCustomerEnabled": false,
"paymentOperation": "Pay",
"cardOnFile": true,
"restrictPaymentMethods": true,
"amount": 1500,
"currency": "EGP",
"deviceIdentification": {
"providerDeviceId": "bc8e1fc68c1c6188f95947cec64ce1b0",
"language": "en",
"userAgent": "Desktops/windows/Safari-537.36/Website"
"cardNumber": "5123450000000008",
"source": "HPP",
"ReturnUrl": ""
After the create session API responds with a session ID.
Use the session ID to complete the payment by calling the Direct Payment APIs.
- Initiate Authentication
- Authenticate Payer
- Pay
After the successful execution of the Pay API, you will receive a callback with a tokenId
"order": {
"merchantId": "20000006201",
"orderId": "e031c552-e0b5-4fe0-122c-08dcadabb16d",
"amount": 100,
"tipAmount": 0,
"convenienceFeeAmount": 0,
"totalAmount": 100,
"settleAmount": 100,
"currency": "AED",
"settleCurrency": "AED",
"language": "en",
"detailedStatus": "Paid",
"status": "Success",
"threeDSecureId": "660894ce-51c9-4e83-4699-08dcadab2405",
"merchantPublicKey": "a9f60a67-da94-45ce-8ef4-af00b5dd23c4",
"parentOrderId": null,
"merchantReferenceId": null,
"mcc": "1771",
"callbackUrl": "",
"billingAddress": {
"countryCode": null,
"street": null,
"city": null,
"postCode": null
"shippingAddress": {
"countryCode": null,
"street": null,
"city": null,
"postCode": null
"returnUrl": null,
"cardOnFile": false,
"tokenId": "5a0c8c73-1b35-4caa-6ff4-08dbfbcb9a36",
"initiatedBy": "Internet",
"agreementId": null,
"agreementType": null,
"amountVariability": null,
"paymentOperation": "Pay",
"custom": null,
"paymentIntent": null,
"restrictPaymentMethods": false,
"paymentMethods": null,
"platform": null,
"statementDescriptor": null,
"description": null,
"setDefaultPaymentMethod": false,
"recurrence": null,
"transactions": [
"transactionId": "660894ce-51c9-4e83-4699-08dcadab2405",
"type": "Authentication",
"status": "Success",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "AED",
"source": "HPP",
"authorizationCode": null,
"rrn": null,
"stan": "0",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "Card",
"brand": "visa",
"cardholderName": "Test",
"maskedCardNumber": "411111******1111",
"wallet": null,
"expiryDate": {
"month": 1,
"year": 30
"sameBank": false,
"issuingCountry": null,
"fundingType": null,
"issuingBank": null,
"cardCategory": null
"codes": {
"acquirerCode": null,
"acquirerMessage": null,
"responseCode": "000",
"responseMessage": "Success",
"detailedResponseCode": "000",
"detailedResponseMessage": "The operation was successful"
"authenticationDetails": {
"acsEci": "05",
"authenticationToken": "kHyn+7YFi1EUAREAAAAvNUe6Hv8=",
"paResStatus": null,
"veResEnrolled": null,
"xid": "b91bce0c-5587-439b-843b-b99c6eeb567f",
"accountAuthenticationValue": null,
"proofXml": null,
"threeDSecureServerTransactionId": null,
"acsTransactionId": "7cde5b7d-3416-4ca0-9e5f-2c23c493a247",
"directoryServerId": "A999999999",
"dsTransactionId": "b91bce0c-5587-439b-843b-b99c6eeb567f",
"methodCompleted": false,
"methodSupported": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
"protocolVersion": "2.2.0",
"requestorId": "10065253*MTTEST20100000001_MPGS",
"requestorName": "HSBC Bank Middle East LTD",
"transactionStatus": "Y",
"statusReasonCode": null,
"acsReferenceNumber": null,
"dsReferenceNumber": null
"postilionDetails": null,
"terminalDetails": null,
"meezaDetails": null,
"bnplDetails": null,
"bankInstallmentDetails": null,
"correlationId": "5ebcf385-3da4-4ec6-84fc-c67d171b1e4d",
"parentTransactionId": null,
"paymentAttemptId": "3c7dec37-4d9e-4582-8ebe-522195d31625",
"acquirer": {
"additionalResponseData": null,
"batch": null,
"customData": null,
"date": null,
"id": null,
"merchantId": "20100000001",
"settlementDate": null,
"time": null,
"timeZone": null,
"transactionId": null
"authorizationResponse": {
"autoExpiry": null,
"avsCode": null,
"cardLevelIndicator": null,
"cardSecurityCodeError": null,
"cardSecurityCodePresenceIndicator": null,
"commercialCard": null,
"commercialCardIndicator": null,
"financialNetworkCode": null,
"financialNetworkDate": null,
"marketSpecificData": null,
"merchantAdviceCode": null,
"paySvcData": null,
"posData": null,
"posEntryMode": null,
"posEntryModeChanged": null,
"processingCode": null,
"responseCode": null,
"date": null,
"responseMessage": null,
"returnAci": null,
"time": null,
"timeZone": null,
"trackQuality": null,
"transactionIdentifier": null,
"transactionIntegrityClass": null,
"validationCode": null,
"vpasResponse": null
"madaDetails": null,
"refundType": null,
"refundStatus": null,
"isExtensionComplete": null,
"extensionDate": "2024-08-01T10:24:15.8060442",
"deviceId": "d9ab1c68-bfc2-4dce-77a9-08dc101e9eb0",
"geideaCodeDetails": null,
"visaInstallmentDetails": null,
"geideaCodeRefundDetails": null,
"stcPayDetails": null,
"createdDate": "2024-08-01T10:24:07.2040344",
"createdBy": "PGW",
"updatedDate": "2024-08-01T10:24:15.8065446",
"updatedBy": "PGW"
"transactionId": "2f6f8627-9296-4e0d-469a-08dcadab2405",
"type": "Pay",
"status": "Success",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "AED",
"source": "HPP",
"authorizationCode": "271313",
"rrn": "421410271313",
"stan": "271313",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "Card",
"brand": "visa",
"cardholderName": "Test",
"maskedCardNumber": "411111******1111",
"wallet": null,
"expiryDate": {
"month": 1,
"year": 30
"sameBank": false,
"issuingCountry": null,
"fundingType": null,
"issuingBank": null,
"cardCategory": null
"codes": {
"acquirerCode": "00",
"acquirerMessage": "Approved",
"responseCode": "000",
"responseMessage": "Success",
"detailedResponseCode": "000",
"detailedResponseMessage": "The operation was successful"
"authenticationDetails": null,
"postilionDetails": null,
"terminalDetails": null,
"meezaDetails": null,
"bnplDetails": null,
"bankInstallmentDetails": null,
"correlationId": "29bf82f8-50fb-42e7-b168-b4b8f0e35d35",
"parentTransactionId": null,
"paymentAttemptId": "3c7dec37-4d9e-4582-8ebe-522195d31625",
"acquirer": {
"additionalResponseData": null,
"batch": 20240801,
"customData": null,
"date": "0801",
"id": "GEIDEA_UAE_S2I",
"merchantId": "20100000001",
"settlementDate": "2024-08-01T00:00:00",
"time": null,
"timeZone": "+0400",
"transactionId": "123456789012345"
"authorizationResponse": {
"autoExpiry": null,
"avsCode": null,
"cardLevelIndicator": "88",
"cardSecurityCodeError": "M",
"cardSecurityCodePresenceIndicator": null,
"commercialCard": "888",
"commercialCardIndicator": "3",
"financialNetworkCode": null,
"financialNetworkDate": null,
"marketSpecificData": "8",
"merchantAdviceCode": null,
"paySvcData": null,
"posData": "1025100006600",
"posEntryMode": "812",
"posEntryModeChanged": null,
"processingCode": "003000",
"responseCode": "00",
"date": null,
"responseMessage": null,
"returnAci": "8",
"time": null,
"timeZone": null,
"trackQuality": null,
"transactionIdentifier": "123456789012345",
"transactionIntegrityClass": null,
"validationCode": "6789",
"vpasResponse": null
"madaDetails": null,
"refundType": null,
"refundStatus": null,
"isExtensionComplete": null,
"extensionDate": "2024-08-01T10:24:17.8148313Z",
"deviceId": "d9ab1c68-bfc2-4dce-77a9-08dc101e9eb0",
"geideaCodeDetails": null,
"visaInstallmentDetails": null,
"geideaCodeRefundDetails": null,
"stcPayDetails": null,
"createdDate": "2024-08-01T10:24:16.3016135",
"createdBy": "PGW",
"updatedDate": "2024-08-01T10:24:17.8151457Z",
"updatedBy": "PGW"
"orderItems": [],
"isTokenPayment": false,
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "Card",
"brand": "visa",
"cardholderName": "Test",
"maskedCardNumber": "411111******1111",
"wallet": null,
"expiryDate": {
"month": 1,
"year": 30
"sameBank": false,
"issuingCountry": null,
"fundingType": null,
"issuingBank": null,
"cardCategory": null
"totalAuthorizedAmount": 100,
"totalCapturedAmount": 100,
"totalRefundedAmount": 0,
"orderSource": "GeideaGateway",
"paymentBrands": [
"multiCurrency": {
"authCurrency": "AED",
"authAmount": 100,
"settleCurrency": "AED",
"settleAmount": 100,
"exchangeRate": null,
"exchangeFeePercentage": null,
"exchangeFeeAmount": null
"isTest": true,
"cashOnDelivery": false,
"amountToCollect": null,
"isDownPayment": false,
"exchangeRate": null,
"exchangeFeePercentage": null,
"exchangeFeeAmount": null,
"deviceId": "d9ab1c68-bfc2-4dce-77a9-08dc101e9eb0",
"gatewayDecision": "Reject",
"subscriptionId": null,
"subscriptionOccurrenceId": null,
"refundType": null,
"refundStatus": null,
"bankId": null,
"isPayWithToken": false,
"customerName": null,
"customerEmail": null,
"createCustomer": false,
"customerReferenceId": null,
"customerId": null,
"customerPhoneNumber": null,
"customerPhoneCountryCode": null,
"customerCustomValue": null,
"airLine": null,
"geideaCodePRN": null,
"geideaCodeExpiryDate": null,
"createdDate": "2024-08-01T10:24:07.2040344",
"createdBy": "PGW",
"updatedDate": "2024-08-01T10:24:11.8682592",
"updatedBy": "PGW"
"signature": "ABSLLGfAuaMxNBvgiKgFaqTWYIxdmyyX5MrSr4bjW80=",
"timeStamp": "08/01/2024 10:24:17",
"sessionId": null
- Save the
and present it to the customer the next time the customer attempts a payment transaction. ThetokenId
is a valid UUID.
Payments using Token
You can enable tokenized payments by the following steps.
- When the customer initiates a purchase, display the card token(s) stored for the customer earlier.

- After customer selects a card, initiate the create session API.
- While initiating the create session API , you need to mandatorily pass the
parameter with its value set to the value of the token selected by the customer.
"amount": 1850,
"currency": "EGP",
"timestamp": "2024-07-03T13:30:56Z",
"merchantReferenceId": "7e0d5b14-1721-4653-b6f2-29288400472b",
"signature": "ock2tDLjUmlc1lLA8X6WDsLrm1+kpFejaXubUYo7o1U=",
"tokenId": "c14e4989-e6ae-4684-7c7a-08dc96266f60",
"initiatedBy": "Internet"
Pay with token using HPP
- After creating the session, you can initiate a payment with the steps outlined in this section.
- Once you initiate the payment, the customer will be presented with a page like the following

- The customer then enters the CVV and the transaction will be processed.
Updated 6 months ago