Cancel Subscription
To cancel a subscription means to terminate the recurring payments or recurring payment link and associated services for a specific customer's subscription. The merchant can initiate this action for various reasons such as customer request, non-payment, or termination of services.
To initiate a Cancel Subscription API call, you will need to provide the required "subscriptionid" field as part of the path parameters:
Parameter | Datatype | Description | Mandatory |
subscriptionid | string | The id generated on the subscription creation | Yes (path parms) |
signature | string | A parameter to ensure the security and authenticity of API communications. It involves generating a signature using the contents of the API request and secret keys, which is then sent along with the request. | Yes |
Usage of the API environment endpoints
Please make sure you use the correct endpoint based on your environment
- KSA Environment:
- Egypt Environment:
- UAE Environment:
Signature creation for Cancel Subscription
We have a signature parameter in the Cancel Subscription API to have an additional layer of security during payment processing. To generate the signature, follow the steps below:
- Concatenate the parameters MerchantPublicKey and SubscriptionID as a string
- Hash the concatenated string with the MerchantPrivateKey(API password) as a key (algorithm for hashing: SHA256)
- Convert Hashed Value to Base64Str
Signature creation for Cancel Subscription response
- Concatenate the parameters MerchantPublicKey, Amount, Response Code, and Detail Response Code as a string
- Hash the concatenated string with the MerchantPrivateKey(API password) as a key (algorithm for hashing: SHA256)
- Convert Hashed Value to Base64Str
Sample Request & Response
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Basic YTA4N2Y0Y2EtOTg5MC00MDdiLTljMmYtNzYzMDgzNmNjMDIwOjI2ZDMxOTE3LTcxNWUtNDhhYy1iMDcyLWRhOTczODAxNmFmNQ=='
--data-raw '{
Updated 6 months ago