Fetch Transaction or Order Details
Fetch details about a specific transaction
You can retrieve the payment intent details with the help of our [Fetch Transaction or Order Details API] (https://docs.geidea.net/reference/get-order-by-id). You can use this feature to retrieve the transaction details, check the status and share the status by running automated message delivery jobs and so on.
You need to pass the following parameter(s) as path parameter(s) in the API request
Parameter | Datatype | Description | Mandatory |
orderId | string | This is a unique identifier for this order to discern it from other orders you created. If orderId is not sent with the request, an orderId is created by the server and returned in the response. The orderid can be used to refer to this order in subsequent transactions and in retrieving metadata about the order. The orderId must always be unique for every order created under your merchant profile. This must be a valid GUID. You can pass null if you do not wish to pass any value. | Yes |
Sample API Request
You must use the GET HTTP method when executing this API call.
API Response
Parameter | Description |
orderId | This is a unique identifier for this order to discern it from the other orders you created. This value is echoed from the request. |
responseMessage | Detailed message associated with response from gateway |
detailedResponseMessage | Message associated with response from gateway |
language | Language used for API request |
responseCode | Code associated with response message returned by the gateway |
detailedResponseCode | Detailed Code associated with response message returned by the gateway |
A sample response for a Fetch Transaction or Order Details API call is as follows:
"order": {
"orderId": "6ea00782-957a-459b-9ff7-08db103ef12c",
"amount": 2.45,
"tipAmount": 0.00,
"convenienceFeeAmount": 0.00,
"totalAmount": 2.45,
"settleAmount": 2.45,
"currency": "SAR",
"settleCurrency": "SAR",
"language": "en",
"detailedStatus": "Paid",
"status": "Success",
"threeDSecureId": "36e958c2-903b-473b-7cb5-08db103ef15a",
"merchantId": "e80ece7e-fb2a-4c0b-de94-08d8a29a107b",
"merchantPublicKey": "a087f4ca-9890-407b-9c2f-7630836cc020",
"parentOrderId": null,
"merchantReferenceId": null,
"mcc": null,
"callbackUrl": null,
"customerEmail": null,
"billingAddress": null,
"shippingAddress": null,
"returnUrl": "https://someurl.com",
"cardOnFile": false,
"tokenId": null,
"initiatedBy": "Internet",
"agreementId": null,
"agreementType": null,
"paymentOperation": "Pay",
"custom": null,
"paymentIntent": null,
"restrictPaymentMethods": false,
"paymentMethods": null,
"platform": null,
"statementDescriptor": null,
"description": null,
"createCustomer": false,
"setDefaultPaymentMethod": false,
"customerReferenceId": null,
"customerId": null,
"recurrence": null,
"transactions": [
"transactionId": "36e958c2-903b-473b-7cb5-08db103ef15a",
"type": "Authentication",
"status": "Failed",
"amount": 2.45,
"currency": "SAR",
"source": "DirectAPI",
"authorizationCode": null,
"rrn": null,
"stan": null,
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "Card",
"brand": "mastercard",
"cardholderName": "test",
"maskedCardNumber": "512345******2346",
"wallet": null,
"expiryDate": {
"month": 1,
"year": 39
"sameBank": false,
"issuingCountry": null,
"fundingType": null,
"issuingBank": null,
"cardCategory": null
"codes": {
"acquirerCode": null,
"acquirerMessage": null,
"responseCode": "000",
"responseMessage": "Success",
"detailedResponseCode": "010",
"detailedResponseMessage": "User changed payment method"
"authenticationDetails": {
"acsEci": "02",
"authenticationToken": null,
"paResStatus": null,
"veResEnrolled": null,
"xid": null,
"accountAuthenticationValue": null,
"proofXml": null,
"threeDSecureServerTransactionId": "94e66860-8449-47df-a5f9-940819d3bbcd",
"acsTransactionId": "6aef9196-f984-4c4d-8e78-9b03fb0c779b",
"directoryServerId": "A999999999",
"dsTransactionId": "1fb3dc48-80b9-43ac-bac0-7d1b3d64e07e",
"methodCompleted": false,
"methodSupported": "SUPPORTED",
"protocolVersion": "2.1.0",
"requestorId": "MAS00001_INT_MPGS_MTTESTENDAVA",
"requestorName": "Endava",
"transactionStatus": "Y",
"statusReasonCode": null
"postilionDetails": null,
"terminalDetails": null,
"meezaDetails": null,
"bnplDetails": null,
"bankInstallmentDetails": null,
"correlationId": "01fe2fb4-b550-471e-865d-a770e700cc7b",
"parentTransactionId": null,
"paymentAttemptId": "b0784e3f-698b-48ad-b831-d0b25b809f68",
"acquirer": {
"additionalResponseData": null,
"batch": null,
"customData": null,
"date": null,
"id": null,
"merchantId": "3000000023",
"settlementDate": null,
"time": null,
"timeZone": null,
"transactionId": null
"authorizationResponse": {
"autoExpiry": null,
"avsCode": null,
"cardLevelIndicator": null,
"cardSecurityCodeError": null,
"cardSecurityCodePresenceIndicator": null,
"commercialCard": null,
"commercialCardIndicator": null,
"financialNetworkCode": null,
"financialNetworkDate": null,
"marketSpecificData": null,
"merchantAdviceCode": null,
"paySvcData": null,
"posData": null,
"posEntryMode": null,
"posEntryModeChanged": null,
"processingCode": null,
"responseCode": null,
"date": null,
"responseMessage": null,
"returnAci": null,
"time": null,
"timeZone": null,
"trackQuality": null,
"transactionIdentifier": null,
"transactionIntegrityClass": null,
"validationCode": null,
"vpasResponse": null
"madaDetails": null,
"createdDate": "2023-03-01T10:42:16.3514826",
"createdBy": "PGW",
"updatedDate": "2023-03-01T10:43:19.1393673",
"updatedBy": "PGW"
"transactionId": "8b01f4b0-3737-4aaf-7cb7-08db103ef15a",
"type": "Pay",
"status": "Success",
"amount": 2.45,
"currency": "SAR",
"source": "DirectAPI",
"authorizationCode": "131493",
"rrn": "306010131493",
"stan": "131493",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "Card",
"brand": "mastercard",
"cardholderName": "test",
"maskedCardNumber": "512345******2346",
"wallet": null,
"expiryDate": {
"month": 1,
"year": 39
"sameBank": false,
"issuingCountry": null,
"fundingType": null,
"issuingBank": null,
"cardCategory": null
"codes": {
"acquirerCode": "00",
"acquirerMessage": "Approved",
"responseCode": "000",
"responseMessage": "Success",
"detailedResponseCode": "000",
"detailedResponseMessage": "The operation was successful"
"authenticationDetails": null,
"postilionDetails": null,
"terminalDetails": null,
"meezaDetails": null,
"bnplDetails": null,
"bankInstallmentDetails": null,
"correlationId": "3efcb114-08b0-4739-bf6c-e8e7f94e8a88",
"parentTransactionId": null,
"paymentAttemptId": "b0784e3f-698b-48ad-b831-d0b25b809f68",
"acquirer": {
"additionalResponseData": null,
"batch": 20230301,
"customData": null,
"date": "0301",
"id": "RIYADBANK_S2I",
"merchantId": "3000000023",
"settlementDate": "2023-03-01T00:00:00",
"time": null,
"timeZone": "+0300",
"transactionId": "123456789"
"authorizationResponse": {
"autoExpiry": null,
"avsCode": null,
"cardLevelIndicator": null,
"cardSecurityCodeError": "M",
"cardSecurityCodePresenceIndicator": null,
"commercialCard": "888",
"commercialCardIndicator": "3",
"financialNetworkCode": "777",
"financialNetworkDate": null,
"marketSpecificData": null,
"merchantAdviceCode": null,
"paySvcData": null,
"posData": "1025100006600",
"posEntryMode": "812",
"posEntryModeChanged": null,
"processingCode": "003000",
"responseCode": "00",
"date": null,
"responseMessage": null,
"returnAci": null,
"time": null,
"timeZone": null,
"trackQuality": null,
"transactionIdentifier": "123456789",
"transactionIntegrityClass": null,
"validationCode": null,
"vpasResponse": null
"madaDetails": null,
"createdDate": "2023-03-01T10:43:17.5805106",
"createdBy": "PGW",
"updatedDate": "2023-03-01T10:43:19.017179",
"updatedBy": "PGW"
"orderItems": [],
"isTokenPayment": false,
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "Card",
"brand": "mastercard",
"cardholderName": "test",
"maskedCardNumber": "512345******2346",
"wallet": null,
"expiryDate": {
"month": 1,
"year": 39
"sameBank": false,
"issuingCountry": null,
"fundingType": null,
"issuingBank": null,
"cardCategory": null
"totalAuthorizedAmount": 2.45,
"totalCapturedAmount": 2.45,
"totalRefundedAmount": 0,
"orderSource": "GeideaGateway",
"paymentBrands": [
"multiCurrency": {
"authCurrency": "SAR",
"authAmount": 2.45,
"settleCurrency": "SAR",
"settleAmount": 2.45,
"exchangeRate": null,
"exchangeFeePercentage": null,
"exchangeFeeAmount": null
"isTest": true,
"cashOnDelivery": false,
"amountToCollect": null,
"isDownPayment": false,
"exchangeRate": null,
"exchangeFeePercentage": null,
"exchangeFeeAmount": null,
"deviceId": "14b90417-2522-4479-4b5b-08da6a10e762",
"gatewayDecision": "ContinueToPay",
"subscriptionId": null,
"subscriptionOccurrenceId": null,
"customerPhoneNumber": null,
"customerPhoneCountryCode": null,
"createdDate": "2023-03-01T10:42:16.3514826",
"createdBy": "PGW",
"updatedDate": "2023-03-01T10:43:19.017179",
"updatedBy": "PGW"
"responseCode": "000",
"detailedResponseCode": "000"
Updated 11 months ago